The deadliest landslide on record in North America happened in Ponce, Puerto Rico in '85. The landslide was triggered by a tropical wave that formed off of the west coast of Africa the month prior. The tropical wave brought copious amounts of rain to the southern part of the island and triggered a massive landslide that reportedly killed almost 200, though through conversation with my grandmother and staff from the museum, there were many more that weren't reported.
My grandmother was 29 years old at the time.
Now here's the trippy part
My cousin Maria was 5 or 6 years old and attended a head start school in the area. 3 days before the landslide, the children in her class were asked to draw pictures of whatever came to mind. The children all drew pictures that people saw as premonitions of the disaster, though at the time nobody would have known. I've attached a photo of her picture, which is currently on display at El Museo de Historia de Mameyes in Ponce. You'll notice rocks, crosses, and a house on a hill with stairs leading up to the front door in the middle of it all.
El durrumbamiento mas morifero registrado en America del Norte ocurrio en Ponce, Puerto Rico en 1985. El derrumbe fue provocado por una ola tropical que se formo en la costa oeste de Africa el mes anterior. La ola tropical trajo cantidades abundantes de lluvia a la parte meridional de la isla y provoco un derrume masivo que mato casi 200, aunque a traves de conversavion con mi abuela y el personal del museo, hubo mucho mas que nose reportaron.
Mi abuela tenia 29 aƱos.
Mi prima Maria tenia 5 o 6 anos de edad y iva a una escuela en el area. 3 dias antes del derrumbe, la maestra se pidio a los ninos de su clase que dibujaran lo que se les ocurriera. Los ninos dibujaron todos los cuadros que la gente vio como premoniciones del desastre, aunque en aquwl momento nadie lo habria sabido. He adjuntado una foto de su dibujo, que actualmente esta en exhibicion en El Museo de Historia de Mameyes en Ponce. Used notara las rocas, las cruces, y una casa en una colina con las escaleras que conducen a la puerta principal en el medio de el todo.
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